Can a man get a yeast infection?


A man can get a yeast infection really easily, almost as commonly as ladies get them – and they tend to infect the penis, foreskin or shaft, as well as the groin, or any other sweaty part of the body , not to mention you can also get oral thrush which is  quite common.

the good news is that the same remedies used for ladies works for men too, check out the GET RID OF YEAST INFECTION web page

a few precautions :

  • If your sexual partner has a yeast infection refrain from intercourse until the yeast infection is well over,(at least 2 weeks)
  • If this is not possible, use a condom, but be aware that even a condom can promote a yeast infection, the spermicide (nonoxyl-9) that lines condoms, is known to aggravate and promote yeast infections, so make sure your hygiene is good and wash thoroughly after sex.
  • Women can infect men and men can infect women(had to answer this ive just seen it posted too many times)

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